New filter options, introducing Quick Text, and fundraising improvements

by VoterMakerSeptember 19, 2023

VoterMaker, the world’s most comprehensive voter management software, continues with its obsessive drive to keep getting better by announcing new data filters and Quick Text features, plus improvements to fundraising features and experience enhancements.

• You are going to love VoterMaker’s new and improved data FILTER functions! VoterMaker has greatly increased the functionality and ease of use of the filters so that you can create your smaller, targeted voter lists easier, faster and better! A key component of voter data is the ability to create smaller subsets of voters that you can use to assign to volunteers to canvass, send specific text messages to a subclass of voters, identify your key targets, and more. There’s no better place to do that than VoterMaker. There are now 2 options to Generate Lists (create subset targeted lists):    1. GEN LISTS: QUICK …If you need to assign a volunteer a quick call list or canvassing list for a specific precinct or district, GEN LISTS: QUICK provides an improved UI experience with the functionality you’re already accustomed.    2. GEN LISTS: ADVANCED …But if you want to create more intricate lists of voters from various areas, demographics, voter history and more, with multiple AND/OR options, you’re going to love this NEW feature. It’s easy and thorough, and gives you even better tools to create precise surgical sublists of targeted voters. Give it a try, it’s totally awesome.

• Need to send out a quick text, use the new QUICK TEXT feature! QUICK TEXT provides a way for you to simply add an image and a narrative, select your subset list or all voters, and click Send. That’s it. This is the simplest and most streamlined bulk text delivery system ever. If you’re a control freak and want various setup options, you can keep using the MMS DATA setup and management options.

• LIT DROP got a speed boost and stability improvements! VoterMaker has resolved the stability issue some uses were experienced in the list view of LIT DROP. You and your volunteers are going to enjoy the smoothness and speed at which the assigned canvassing lists now load and sort on you device. Constantly improving the VoterMaker experience for all our users is a consistent and obsessive goal at VoterMaker.

• More improvements to FUNDRAISING! A new FUNDRAISING DATA button in the Fundraising section allows you to get a detailed view of all your campaign donations and transactions. You now see in real-time all campaign donations, ticket sale payments (the event planner and ticket generator on VoterMaker is amazing!), and deposit transactions to your bank account, and easily filter to specific dates. VoterMaker is working on adding additional features to Fundraising, and you’ll be seeing more in the near future.

• Reliable and detailed DATA now available on VoterMaker! Last week we had big news with the announcement that VoterMaker now provides data easily and quickly within VoterMaker at a touch of a button. You can acquire industry-leading data from L2 right away on VoterMaker - the experience is fast and smooth - automatically integrating L2’s data into your VoterMaker account so you can start effective message delivery right away. Read more about VoterMaker’s partnership with L2 here:

For further information about VoterMaker, please visit

About VoterMaker Inc.

VoterMaker, a USA-based company founded and led by Filipe Pedroso, Esq., offers the world’s most comprehensive solution for effective voter data management, campaign organization, and voter messaging. With a focus on connective messaging and successful message delivery, VoterMaker equips campaigns with powerful tools for raising funds, organizing campaigns, delivering effective messages, and engaging voters. As the most complete voter management and contact solution available, VoterMaker's platform integrates data analytics, cost-effective delivery methods, and innovative technology to optimize campaign operations and increase the chances of success.

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Filipe Pedroso, the founder and CEO of VoterMaker Inc., is available for interviews. Please contact Liana to schedule.

VoterMaker's webpage:

Media Contact:

Liana V. Pedroso, Dir. of Corp. Communications & Public Relations, VoterMaker Inc.

(551) 202-8008 Extension 4077

[email protected]

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Above: VoterMaker™ logo.