A world-first from VoterMaker:
AI IntelliText™ political text messages auto-customized to specific voters

by VoterMakerOctober 26, 2023

VoterMaker, the world's most comprehensive voter management and contact software solution, is proud to announce its latest innovation that will reshape the landscape of political campaigning. Introducing AI IntelliText™, a game-changing technology that generates and sends customized text messages to voters.

In a monumental leap forward for political campaigns, VoterMaker's AI IntelliText™ creates text messages tailored to the voter, delivering a personal touch that has never been seen before in the world of politics. Filipe Pedroso, Founder and CEO of VoterMaker Inc., declared, "This is a game-changer for political campaigning. Campaigns can now send voters text messages uniquely created for the individual, reflecting their stance on critical issues that align with the campaign's platform."

How does AI IntelliText™ work? It leverages voter data and aligns it with the campaign's platform to craft personalized text messages that resonate with voters on a profound level. Voters receive distinct message, expertly shaped by VoterMaker algorithms to address topics that matter most to them and are in harmony with the campaign's platform issues.

Pedroso emphasized, "VoterMaker is revolutionizing campaigning by introducing personalized messages that establish a powerful connection with voters in ways never before possible. With comprehensive voter data, such as L2 data within VoterMaker, political campaigns can now automatically and swiftly send uniquely tailored text messages. Imagine sending voters a message that speaks directly to their concerns. With VoterMaker's AI IntelliText™, you can do just that."

AI IntelliText™ text messaging is exclusively available through VoterMaker, promising to transform the way political campaigns engage and communicate with voters. VoterMaker is the ultimate campaign management and voter connection platform, offering a wide array of essential tools for campaign success. From voter data management and data analytics to volunteer coordination, text message delivery, fundraising, and more, VoterMaker equips political campaigns with everything they need to secure victory.

Pedroso has over thirty years of political experience and and is an accomplished technology innovator holding two U.S. patents with several more pending. He said, "I created VoterMaker with a vision to provide every candidate running for elected office, regardless of their campaign's scale, the economic resources and capabilities needed to connect with voters. My aspiration is that VoterMaker empowers candidates to engage with voters effectively, ultimately enhancing voter awareness of their choices. A well-informed voter is not only beneficial for democracy but also for a better America."

Accessible through any web browser and with mobile apps currently in development, VoterMaker is a nonpartisan solution suitable for campaigns at all levels, from local Board of Education and municipal races to gubernatorial and presidential elections.

For more information about VoterMaker and its groundbreaking AI IntelliText™ technology, please visit

About VoterMaker Inc.

VoterMaker, a USA-based company founded and led by Filipe Pedroso, Esq., offers the world’s most comprehensive solution for effective voter data management, campaign organization, and voter messaging. With a focus on connective messaging and successful message delivery, VoterMaker equips campaigns with powerful tools for raising funds, organizing campaigns, delivering effective messages, and engaging voters. As the most complete voter management and contact solution available, VoterMaker's platform integrates data analytics, cost-effective delivery methods, and innovative technology to optimize campaign operations and increase the chances of success.

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Filipe Pedroso, the founder and CEO of VoterMaker Inc., is available for interviews. Please contact Liana to schedule.

VoterMaker's webpage:

Media Contact:

Liana V. Pedroso, Dir. of Corp. Communications & Public Relations, VoterMaker Inc.

(551) 202-8008 Extension 4077

[email protected]

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Above: VoterMaker™ logo.

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